Finding good herbal remedies for bacterial vaginosis is not as hard as one might have expected. Bacterial Vaginosis is in the simplest definition an excess of a particular type of bacteria. It is a bacterial overgrowth.
Most doctors will prescribe an anti-bacterial to get rid of your Bacterial Vaginosis, and this will often work but it also will not keep you from getting the problem again, plus there are cheaper herbal remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis.
Herbal remedies are better alternatives over the use of prescribed drugs because it is safer to use compared to prescriptive medicines, which have side effects such as nausea and headaches, cost more and have a high probability of only temporarily fixing the problem.
Here is a brief list of some excellent natural anti-bacterial remedy herbs.
Tea Tree Oil
Olive Leaf Extract
Oil of Wild Oregano
Colloidal Silver
Tea Tree Oil
Olive Leaf Extract
Oil of Wild Oregano
Colloidal Silver
Goldenseal herb - this plant is well known for its numerous medicinal properties. Goldenseal has antimicrobial, laxative, and anti-inflammatory properties amongst others. This is known to effectively fight fungal infections, and it also works well in treating bacterial vaginosis. Goldenseal herbs are now available in the market as capsules. Take 1000mg of goldenseal per dose; twice daily until symptoms are gone.
Tea tree Oil - otherwise known as melaleuca altemitolia; the plant from which tea tree oil can be obtained. Tea tree oil is famous for its many medicinal benefits, and has been used with success as a cure for bacterial vaginosis. Prepare 1/3 cupful of tea tree oil and mix it together with 2/3 cupful of mineral water or vitamin E oil. Douche with the mixture and apply on the infected area. This is also available in suppository form; in this case, insert the tea tree suppository in the vagina and do the procedure at least once daily until the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis subside.
Garlic - garlic is very good for bacterial and fungal infections. It is considered one of the best herbs with which to treat the bacterial infection of vaginosis. There are now health supplements that contain garlic; take at least two capsules per day until the infection subsides.
There are numerous programs and books in the market that detail more natural options for recurrent bacterial vaginosis treatment. It is best to get one of these books so that you have well researched, solid information on the step by step procedures to treat this vaginal problem.